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BR Ingredients LogoThe Practical Way to meet your needs on
Extracts and Herbs directly from Producers

BR Ingredients offers to the woldwide market various Extracts, Herbs, Teas and Coffees from Brazil.
We offer a great range of herbal extracts in accordance with required specifications.
  • EFFICIENCY A safe and carefull way to get your demand promptly answered on Extracts and Herbs from Brazil with simple and fast integration.
  • LIABILITY Fruit and Herb Extracts carefully prepared respecting efficient production standards and required specifications!
  • QUALITY High Quality Standard from harvest to final product. Modern and advanced production equipment is used in order to reach high efficiency standards.
  • TRACEABILITY Tracking information from production up to delivery.



Phone: +55 (31) 4042-6855 | Email: info@bringredients.com


Av. Ayrton Senna, 2500 sala 235 Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brazil Zip Code: 22.775-003